Happy Halloweekend. We hope you all have a fun and safe weekend. Below are some updates to share with you.
General body meeting: To better explain the inventory and restocking process of our new Sadler location, this week’s meeting will be a training THIS THURSDAY 11/2/23 at 6:00! The location is Sadler #157 between the Haven and Student Accessibility Services! We are including APO members.
We are revitalizing our “Food Rescue Volunteers” GroupMe as there have been more requests for on-campus food rescues this semester. It is exciting and we will be sharing these opportunities primarily through this chat. https://web.groupme.com/join_group/89194062/vJ0J5qUo
As we expand our food rescue program, we are looking for student volunteers (with cars) to help us with local pickups on Mondays and Thursdays! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E4CAAA822A7FAC16-restaurant
We will be having more frequent communications with the group via the form of a newsletter that shares more specific updates. Stay tuned!
Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions! See everyone on Thursday.