Announcements Events Meetings

FFA’s final meeting of the semester

Welcome back to campus. We hope you all had a relaxing and enjoyable Thanksgiving break. As we head into the end of the semester, below are some updates to share with you. 

General Body Meeting: To share our successes of the semester and our plans for the next, please join our last general body meeting this THURSDAY 11/30/23 at 6:00! The location is Chancellors 157! 

Holiday Donation Drives: We have partnered with various organizations around campus and Williamsburg to stock our locations. Please consider donating and participating in this effort. We’d like to thank CKI, the W&M Bookstore, the Williamsburg Presbyterian Church, and Student Accessibility Services. The W&M bookstore drive is 12/8 from 5pm-7pm at the bookstore.

The Hunger Free Campus Grant Program: This is a bill that is garnering support to be passed through the Virginia General Assembly that seeks to grant universities funding for their food pantries. Please fill out this petition to help us make structural changes amongst pantries across Virginia:

We are revitalizing our “Food Rescue Volunteers” GroupMe as there have been more requests for on-campus food rescues this semester. It is exciting and we will be sharing these opportunities primarily through this chat.

As we expand our food rescue program, we are looking for student volunteers (with cars) to help us with local pickups on Mondays and Thursdays!

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions! See everyone on Thursday.