Announcements Events Meetings

Meeting Tomorrow, Upcoming Food Drive, and More

Hey Food For All! 

We have lots of updates this week so make sure to read this whole email for a few upcoming events that you can get involved in! Our general body meeting will be tomorrow, Thursday at 6:00pm in Chancellors 134. We hope to see you all there!

We are excited to announce that Staff Assembly will be holding a food drive later this month to benefit FFA! The drive will start 10/28 and end 11/18, and boxes can be found throughout campus for anyone interested in donating. We will also be looking for volunteers to help collect donations on 11/19, so please reach out if you would like to volunteer. 

FFA is currently working with campus pantries throughout Virginia to pass the Hunger Free Campus bill, which would provide state funding to meet the needs of food insecure students on college campuses throughout the state. We are currently looking for students who would like to be involved in this campaign. See the flier attached to learn more about this bill, and contact us if you are interested in joining the team of students working towards this important goal! 

We also have additional volunteer opportunities for food rescue pickups in the upcoming weeks, so let us know if you would like to volunteer at any of the following times:

  • Saturday, 10/19 at 3pm
  • Tuesday, 10/22 at 7:30pm
  • Friday, 10/25 at 2:00pm and 3:00pm
  • Thursday, 11/21 at 11:30am and 3:00pm

Lastly, if you would be interested in a holding a leadership position or starting your own project within FFA, please fill out this google form. As always, make sure to join our groupme and follow our instagram if you haven’t already! 

Have a great rest of your day!

Announcements Meetings

Food For All Meeting this Week!

Hey Food for All!

I hope everyone had a great family weekend and is looking forward to our general body meeting this week! We will be meeting in Chancellors 134 on Thursday 10/3 at 6:00. This week we will be making posters to put around campus.

If you are interested in getting further involved in FFA or running for a leadership position in the future, please fill out this form. This will allow you to start or contribute to projects within the club and is open to all students. Below you can find all of our other opportunities to get involved:

  • Volunteer at the Wesley location-
    • Monday, Thursday and Saturday shifts available
  • Volunteer at the Sadler location- Email Lauren at
    • Help with restocking and organizing the Sadler location
  • As always, make sure to join our groupme and follow our instagram if you haven’t already! 

Have a great rest of your day!

Announcements Meetings

FFA Meeting and Announcements!

Hey Food for All!

Our next general body meeting will be on Thursday, 9/19 at 6:00pm in the Wesley Pantry and we hope to see you all there! If it’s your first time at the pantry it is right across from Lemon hall at 526 Jamestown Road. 

We appreciate everyone that has signed up for a volunteer shift at Wesley for this semester! If you are interested in getting further involved with Food for All, we recommend joining an exec member’s committee for a project that you are interested in. Each project is listed below and exec members can be contacted via email, groupme, or in person at our general body meeting. This opportunity is open to all members and no experience is required. 

Sadler Exchange Committee (Lauren)– Organizes, restocks, and takes inventory of the Sadler location. Projects include brainstorming improvements to the pantry and keeping it stocked throughout the week. (

Wesley Exchange Committee (Iqra)– Organizes, restocks, and takes inventory of the Wesley location while managing volunteer shifts. Projects include stocking the pantry, training volunteers when needed, and brainstorming pantry improvements. (

Community Outreach Committee (Rachel)– Sends updates to general body members and spreads awareness about pantry resources across campus. Projects include designing social media posts, tabling at campus events, and brainstorming ways for FFA to be involved around campus. (

Food Rescue Committee (Allisyn)– Organizes food rescue pickups to prevent food waste at William and Mary. Projects include redistributing food from large events on campus. (

Finance Committee (Annamarie)– Manages club finances, bank account, and budgeting for pantry operations and club events. Projects including brainstorming fundraising ideas. (

At our meeting this week, we will be giving a tour of the Wesley location and training new members on how to volunteer. We will also be answering any questions about committees or volunteering. 

See you all there!

Rachel Touse

FFA Community Outreach Chair 


Food For All Interest Meeting! (Fall 2024)

Welcome to Food for All!

We hope you all have had a great summer and first week of classes so far! Whether you are a returning member or are interested in joining, we are looking forward to a great semester with FFA. Most importantly, our interest meeting will be next Thursday, 9/5 6:00-7:00 pm in Chancellors 134. We hope to see you there! We will go over the basics of Food for All, volunteer opportunities, and current club projects. If you are still deciding whether or not you would like to be involved, this is a great opportunity to learn more. 

      Some more info about FFA:  We address food insecurity on campus by operating two food pantries for students, faculty and staff who are food insecure. Our club meetings will be held the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month from 6:00-7:00 in Chancellors 134. Club meetings include projects that contribute towards the pantries as well as learning more about food insecurity in our area. We also have volunteer opportunities (including restocking, organizing, and operating the pantry) on Monday, Thursday, and Saturday afternoons for those that may be interested. Currently, FFA has a member-to-exec pathway program. If you are interested in a leadership opportunity or if you have a specific project that you would like the club to start, we have a lot of flexibility within our exec team for new positions. We will go over all of this at our interest meeting! Feel free to email or message the groupme with any questions.

Linktree (groupme, instagram, and volunteer links)

We hope to see you all soon!

– Food For All Exec

Announcements Events Meetings

Food for All Elections + Final Announcements

Happy Saturday. Our last meeting of the semester will be our spring elections! Join us this Thursday at 6:00 in Chancellors 123! 

If you are interested in running, please fill out the interest to run form by this Wednesday at midnight.

As many of you have likely heard by now, Max Blalock who is the Wesley Campus Minister who helped establish and grow FFA on campus, will be leaving his current position at the end of our semester. As Max is a close mentor to our organization and advocate for students, I encourage you to sign this petition asking W&M to hire him. More details can be found in the petition.

If you are a student who has experienced food insecurity at some point in the semester, please consider reaching out to my email ( to participate in an interview for FFA’s food insecurity study. You will be paid $20 for 1 hour. Deadline is Monday!

Lastly, please fill out this following survey about student experiences with food insecurity at W&M to help secure more resources for students in future semesters.

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions! 


CommonHelp SNAP Workshop Slides

To start off your week, we would like to thank all the members who attended our CommonHelp Workshop on Thursday to learn more about SNAP and other benefits offered to students by the state. The slides and website are also attached for your reference.

FFA will also be offering confidential sessions to help students register for eligible services online. To schedule, please email us at

Please circulate this knowledge amongst your groups as we spread awareness of student resources on campus. 


FFA Workshop: Navigating Virginia’s Common Help, SNAP

Happy Wednesday. Our next general body meeting will be a workshop on how to navigate the Common Help system for SNAP benefits TOMORROW at 6:00 in Chancellors 123! 

FFA will also be offering individual sessions to help students register for eligible services online. To schedule, please email us at  

Additionally, we are in need of interested drivers to help with local Williamsburg restaurant pickups. Please email back if you are interested in joining a group of drivers.

IMPORTANT! We are now using GivePulse to track volunteering hours for both the Sadler and Wesley Food Exchanges. Please sign up for your shifts below.

Sadler Exchange:

Wesley Exchange:

Join us in solving important problems on campus, building community, and doing impactful service. I promise that you’ll find something worthwhile through the FFA community.  

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions! 


FFA Wesley Volunteer Training Tomorrow!

Happy Valentines. As the semester is underway, our next general body meeting is aimed to explain the inventory and restocking process of Wesley TOMORROW at 6:00! Wesley is located across the street from Lemon Hall. 

IMPORTANT! We are now using GivePulse to track volunteering hours for both the Sadler and Wesley Food Exchanges. Please sign up for your shifts below.

Sadler Exchange:

Wesley Exchange:

Join us in solving important problems on campus, building community, and doing impactful service. I promise that you’ll find something worthwhile through the FFA community.  

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions! 

Announcements Meetings

Welcome to Food for All!

Welcome to Food for All. We are excited to share our mission of fighting food insecurity on campus with you. 

To better explain what Food for All is accomplishing on campus, we are hosting our first interest meeting THIS THURSDAY 2/1/24 at 6:00! Come have some snacks and leave with a new FFA buddy. Location is Chancellors Hall #123!

IMPORTANT! We are now using GivePulse to track volunteering hours for both the Sadler and Wesley Food Exchanges. Please sign up for your shifts below.

Sadler Exchange:

Wesley Exchange:

If you would also like to work more closely with the FFA exec team, please consider applying for the member-exec pathway. More details will be shared on Thursday.

Join us in solving important problems on campus, building community, and doing impactful service. I promise that you’ll find something worthwhile through the FFA community.  

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions! 

Announcements Events Meetings

FFA’s final meeting of the semester

Welcome back to campus. We hope you all had a relaxing and enjoyable Thanksgiving break. As we head into the end of the semester, below are some updates to share with you. 

General Body Meeting: To share our successes of the semester and our plans for the next, please join our last general body meeting this THURSDAY 11/30/23 at 6:00! The location is Chancellors 157! 

Holiday Donation Drives: We have partnered with various organizations around campus and Williamsburg to stock our locations. Please consider donating and participating in this effort. We’d like to thank CKI, the W&M Bookstore, the Williamsburg Presbyterian Church, and Student Accessibility Services. The W&M bookstore drive is 12/8 from 5pm-7pm at the bookstore.

The Hunger Free Campus Grant Program: This is a bill that is garnering support to be passed through the Virginia General Assembly that seeks to grant universities funding for their food pantries. Please fill out this petition to help us make structural changes amongst pantries across Virginia:

We are revitalizing our “Food Rescue Volunteers” GroupMe as there have been more requests for on-campus food rescues this semester. It is exciting and we will be sharing these opportunities primarily through this chat.

As we expand our food rescue program, we are looking for student volunteers (with cars) to help us with local pickups on Mondays and Thursdays!

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions! See everyone on Thursday.