Events Meetings

Meeting this Wednesday at 6!

Hello FFA!

We hope that your weekend has been safe and exciting. As we roll into the last weeks of the semester, we’re going to be making some serious strides in some major areas. 

On Wednesday we will be having our meeting @6 in Bosewell #342. 

This meeting will be a little different in that we will be drafting a proposal together as a group. In an effort to expand the Campus Food Exchange, our proposal will be to build a coalition of support amongst the campus community.  

Please bring your laptops and writing skills as we work on making big changes to our campus community. Please also brainstorm other related organizations on campus that you are part of that would be willing to support us as we prepare to approach WM administration. 

This Tuesday, there is also a sustainability round-table happening in Sadler’s James Room at 5. This is a great opportunity to hear more about the issues we are trying to address. 

As always, please volunteer for the Campus Food Exchange!

See everyone on Wednesday!