Announcements Meetings

Meeting: 4/13/22

When: Thursday, April 13th, 2022, 7:00 to 8:00 PM

Where: Blow 333

What: Join us to get a recap of our successes this semester, upcoming events for the last few weeks, and to hear what’s in store for us.

This Saturday, 4/15, at 2 PM we are attending Veggie Society’s lettuce eating competition on the Sunky G’s. It costs 4 dollars to enter and in return you get your very own lettuce head of which we expect you to devour very very quickly. The person who scarfs down their lettuce the fastest will be crowned lettuce victor: an honorary but prestigious award. All proceeds will be donated to the Campus Food Exchange.

Our swipe drive this past Tuesday was a huge success with over 600 donations! Thank you to everyone who donated. Students can now apply for 10 swipes through the Dean of Students office.

Lastly, sign up to volunteer at the Food Exchange!

We are closing out a very productive and successful first semester ever and I am super proud of what we’ve been able to accomplish.  

Have a great week!


Announcements After Impact Week

Happy Thursday. Welcome back from break. Below we have some updates and announcements: 

Last week we competed for funding during Impact Week, and *drum-roll please* we have been declared as the winner! This means that we will be granted $2,500 for the purchase of our new fridge. Thank you to everyone who supported our cause by tabling and voting. We couldn’t have done it without you. Stay tuned as big changes and new partnerships are coming!  

Tonight, instead of hosting our normal meeting, we will be attending a community discussion, “Food Insecurity in Our Community and Beyond” at 6:30 – 8. To register, the link is below:

Additionally, the meal swipe drive is scheduled next Tuesday, April 5th 2022. Please help us to collect swipes from students by volunteering below. Per University policy, each student can currently donate 1 swipe each. We need as many volunteers as possible, so all FFA members are encouraged to sign up and share the link with your other activity groups and anyone who may be interested!

Lastly, sign up to volunteer at the Food Exchange!

Have a great rest of your week!


Updates After Brief 3/10/22 Meeting

Here are some updates from our brief meeting:

  1. Impact week is the week right after spring break (March 21-25, 2022)! We need volunteers so please sign up for a slot (or slots!) as soon as you can!
  2. For the Food Exchange, we are switching over from the google sheets to SignUpGenius so that volunteers can get reminders about their shifts. If you have signed up for shifts after spring break, please sign up again. Or, if you would like to sign up for future shifts, use this link.
  3. The Meal Swipe Drive is happening April 5, 2022 in all campus dining halls. Please sign up for volunteer shifts for this using this link!

Have a great spring break!!


Meeting: 3/10/22

When: Thursday, March 10th, 2022, 7:00 to 7:15 PM

Where: Zoom

What: Impact Week!


Next Meeting and Impact Week Volunteers

Happy Sunday! We hope that you all get to enjoy the beautiful weather today. 

We have some announcements as follows:

  1. Our general body meeting will be this Thursday on the Sunken Gardens at 7.
  2. We have also been selected to compete in IMPACT WEEK!!! With this, we will be competing amongst other student organizations on campus for various funding amounts of $2500, $1500, or $1000!!! Our goal is to win (obviously) so that we can use these funds to purchase a commercial fridge for the food exchange. 

But we need all of your help. Please sign up to help us table at Sadler from March 21-25.

Please come to our meeting this Thursday to learn more about impact week, how to help us win votes, and to make this effort a success. This is a huge opportunity for us.


Meal Swipe Volunteers Needed

Food for All has been organizing a Meal Swipe Drive to take place at all campus dining halls on April 5, 2022. In order to effectively collect meal swipes, we are in need of volunteers to staff tables at each location during mealtimes. I will be sending out more information on the volunteer responsibilities as the event grows closer, but basically volunteers should expect to interact with peers as they enter the dining hall, encourage them to donate a meal swipe (as they swipe in for their own meal), and answer any questions that come up. If you have any questions, please let me know and I’ll be happy to help! The link to sign up is below, feel free to sign up for more than one shift if you are able. Additionally, I will eventually be expanding this volunteer opportunity to the rest of the student body after y’all have signed up, so you are welcome to invite friends to sign up as well!


Secret Garden Profit Share

In lieu of a meeting this week, we will instead be going to Secret Garden on March 3rd, 2022 for some boba and fun! A portion of the profit will go to the Campus Food Exchange to increase access to food for the William and Mary community. 

We hope to see you there!

Flyer for Secret Garden Profit Share, a collaboration between Food For All and Med Life to support the campus food exchange (formerly the campus food pantry). March 3rd, 11:00 AM to 6:00 PM. Don't forget to mention Food For All and Med Life at the register.

Meeting: 2/17/22

When: Thursday, February 17th, 2022, 7:00 to 8:00 PM

Where: Blow 333


  1. Talk about The Sunday tour of the food exchange (food pantry)
  2. Complete committee work during the meeting
  3. Discuss new design for food exchange & possible fridge at the food exchange.

If you attended last Sunday’s tour of the Food Exchange, feel free to add yourself to the Chaperone sign up list! You will have the responsibility of leading the volunteers, and will have to check off the to-do assignments on the laminated document that you will have access to during your shift (easy!, let us know if you have no idea what we’re talking about).

Also, we are short on COVID-19 volunteer deliverers, so please sign up and/or tell your friends about it!!


Meeting: 2/10/22

When: Thursday, February 10th, 2022, 7:00 to 8:00 PM

Where: Blow 333


  1. Introducing our new officers
  2. Goals by next week (including food pantry, swipe, and outreach goals)
  3. A game, and the winner gets a $10 Wawa giftcard !


Officer Application Results

The application pool for the officers’ position was extremely talented, and took a long time to judge who was best for each position. Here are the results:

President: Allisyn Lam

Food Pantry Chair: Priya Singh

Swipe Chair: Grace McGehee

Outreach Chair: Bridget O’Keefe

Congratulations all! As for the committee sign-up, here is the general google sheets to sign up!:
Committee Sign-up – Google Sheets

We will be having a meeting this Thursday at 7 at Blow Hall 333! We will be talking about:

  1. The new officer team
  2. COVID-19 Food Delivery Updates
  3. Renaming of Food Pantry + Advertisement
  4. Launching the Swipe Drive
  5. Other misc stuff!