
Welcome to Food for All! (Spring 2023)

Welcome to Food for All. Many of you stopped by our booth on Tuesday to learn more about our group. We are excited to share our mission of fighting food insecurity on campus with you. 

If you are a returning student, you likely recognize us from our big Impact Week win ($3500 woohoo!), our recognition for the Values in Action award, the Campus Food exchange, swipe drive, and our COVID food deliveries.

To better explain what Food for All is accomplishing on campus, we are hosting our first interest meeting NEXT WEDNESDAY 2/1/23 at 6:00! Come have some snacks and leave with a new FFA buddy. Location is TBA!!! (update 1/31/23: location is Boswell Hall 1)

If you were anything like me my freshman year, you likely signed up for 30 clubs and are being swamped with club emails now. If you have any inclination towards solving problems on campus, building community, and doing impactful service, I promise that you’ll find something worthwhile through the FFA community. We are also looking for new executive members, so there is a potential to grow within the club! 

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions! 

P.S. Some helpful links:

Follow our instagram: @Foodforallwm

Join our GroupMe:

Here is the link to volunteer at the Food Exchange:

Events Meetings

Meeting this Wednesday at 6!

Hello FFA!

We hope that your weekend has been safe and exciting. As we roll into the last weeks of the semester, we’re going to be making some serious strides in some major areas. 

On Wednesday we will be having our meeting @6 in Bosewell #342. 

This meeting will be a little different in that we will be drafting a proposal together as a group. In an effort to expand the Campus Food Exchange, our proposal will be to build a coalition of support amongst the campus community.  

Please bring your laptops and writing skills as we work on making big changes to our campus community. Please also brainstorm other related organizations on campus that you are part of that would be willing to support us as we prepare to approach WM administration. 

This Tuesday, there is also a sustainability round-table happening in Sadler’s James Room at 5. This is a great opportunity to hear more about the issues we are trying to address. 

As always, please volunteer for the Campus Food Exchange!

See everyone on Wednesday!


Meeting this Wednesday @6 at the FFA Exchange!

Hello FFA!

We hope that your fall break was relaxing and that everyone was able to step away from school work for a moment. 

This Wednesday we will be having our meeting @6 at the Campus Food Exchange which is in the basement of the Wesley House! This meeting will be to show the group more of what we do, our impact, and to certify everyone as chaperones to volunteer.

Wesley House is located across Jamestown Road and Lemon Hall. On google maps, you can put your location and then choose Wesley Foundation, 526 Jamestown Rd, Williamsburg, VA 23185. We will meet in the fellowship hall which is through the double doors.

As always, please volunteer for the Campus Food Exchange!

See everyone at Wesley. 

Announcements Meetings

Meeting this Wednesday with Dr. Sasi!

Hello FFA!

We hope your Monday is off to a great start. Some announcements for the group:

  1. We have an exciting general body meeting planned for this week. Our guest speaker is Dr. Sasi, who is an adjunct lecturer of Asian and Middle Eastern studies. While not teaching, Dr. Sasi runs his own farm local to campus. He is the Executive President of Harvest Earth, a non-profit focused on facial justice, food justice, and climate justice. He also runs his own farm and is a popular vendor in CW’s Saturday farmers market.

You can read more about him here:

Our meeting time is 6:30 in Boswell Hall #342, this is the same room we met the first time.

  1. Our club has applied for both SA funding and a national grant that would allow us to begin working on plans to expand our reach with FFA by moving the Campus Food Exchange to an old kitchen in One Tribe Place.
  2. Recently, the Williamsburg Merchants Association and the W&M Law school both had successful food drives to help us restock!
  3. Please volunteer for the Campus Food Exchange!

That’s all for now. See everyone on Wednesday!


Welcome to Food For All Fall 2022!

Welcome to Food for All. Many of you stopped by our booth on Monday night to learn more about our group. We are excited to share our cause of fighting food insecurity on campus with you. 

If you are a returning student, you likely recognize us from our big Impact Week win ($3500 woohoo!), the Campus Food exchange, swipe drive, and our COVID food deliveries.

To better explain what Food for All is accomplishing on campus, we are hosting our first interest meeting TOMORROW 9/7/22 at Boswell 342 at 6:00! Come and win some prizes and leave with a new FFA buddy.

If you were anything like me my freshman year, you likely signed up for 30 clubs and are being swamped with club emails now. If you have any inclination towards solving problems on campus, building community, and doing impactful service, I promise that you’ll find something worthwhile through the FFA community. 

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions!

Announcements Meetings

Meeting: 4/13/22

When: Thursday, April 13th, 2022, 7:00 to 8:00 PM

Where: Blow 333

What: Join us to get a recap of our successes this semester, upcoming events for the last few weeks, and to hear what’s in store for us.

This Saturday, 4/15, at 2 PM we are attending Veggie Society’s lettuce eating competition on the Sunky G’s. It costs 4 dollars to enter and in return you get your very own lettuce head of which we expect you to devour very very quickly. The person who scarfs down their lettuce the fastest will be crowned lettuce victor: an honorary but prestigious award. All proceeds will be donated to the Campus Food Exchange.

Our swipe drive this past Tuesday was a huge success with over 600 donations! Thank you to everyone who donated. Students can now apply for 10 swipes through the Dean of Students office.

Lastly, sign up to volunteer at the Food Exchange!

We are closing out a very productive and successful first semester ever and I am super proud of what we’ve been able to accomplish.  

Have a great week!


Meeting: 3/10/22

When: Thursday, March 10th, 2022, 7:00 to 7:15 PM

Where: Zoom

What: Impact Week!


Meeting: 2/17/22

When: Thursday, February 17th, 2022, 7:00 to 8:00 PM

Where: Blow 333


  1. Talk about The Sunday tour of the food exchange (food pantry)
  2. Complete committee work during the meeting
  3. Discuss new design for food exchange & possible fridge at the food exchange.

If you attended last Sunday’s tour of the Food Exchange, feel free to add yourself to the Chaperone sign up list! You will have the responsibility of leading the volunteers, and will have to check off the to-do assignments on the laminated document that you will have access to during your shift (easy!, let us know if you have no idea what we’re talking about).

Also, we are short on COVID-19 volunteer deliverers, so please sign up and/or tell your friends about it!!


Meeting: 2/10/22

When: Thursday, February 10th, 2022, 7:00 to 8:00 PM

Where: Blow 333


  1. Introducing our new officers
  2. Goals by next week (including food pantry, swipe, and outreach goals)
  3. A game, and the winner gets a $10 Wawa giftcard !


First Meeting: 2/3/22

When: Thursday, February 3rd, 2022, 7:00 to 8:00 PM

Where: Blow 333

What: We will be discussing all the things we do on and off campus to serve our community (There are like a bajillion things we do, and another bajillion things we can do). We will also be discussing applications for Exec, and we will be talking about the COVID Food Delivery project Food for All+ Student Assembly are jointly working on.